About us

不同于 你的。
Zisla 背后的想法都始于一次偶然的相遇。

有一天,在她的办公室里,Zisla 的创始人兼总裁 Shaheen Lambert 听到有人说西班牙语。她很快就认定这种方言是墨西哥人说的。出于好奇,她冒险走出安静的办公室寻找声音的主人。

它属于一位刚从墨西哥城来的同事。那个人正在为他们在坎昆的最新房地产项目寻找加拿大代表。 Shaheen 最终接手了这个项目,立刻被吸引住了,再也没有回头。

最初是一笔交易,现在已经发展到 100 多个房地产项目,这在很大程度上要归功于Zisla 首席执行官 Yannick Cloutier 和营销副总裁 David Favreau 的贡献。

最终,Zisla 的创立目标很简单:帮助人们意识到在墨西哥拥有房产并非不可能实现的梦想。通过他们对墨西哥的集体热爱和房地产知识,Zisla 团队已经帮助数百名客户将他们的热带梦想变成了有形的现实。
Shaheen Lambert
Shaheen 热爱墨西哥、它的人民和它的文化。在过去十年的大部分时间里,她都在这个国家旅行并探索它所能提供的一切,她经常在海滩上用她的笔记本电脑工作。当她不在她的电脑上时,她会骑着自行车从一个项目到另一个项目帮助客户,也许在这两者之间享受了太多炸玉米饼!

Shaheen 的专业经验包括扎实的国际房地产背景,而且她直到今天,她还在继续扩展和巩固她的知识。她最近获得了多项认证,包括凯勒威廉姆斯的全球房地产专家认证和认证国际房地产专家称号,使她成为国际房地产领域的专家资源
Yannick Cloutier
Shaheen loves Mexico, its people, and its culture. Having spent much of the last ten years travelling to the country and exploring all it has to offer, she can often be found at the beach working on her laptop. When she’s not on her computer she’s on her bicycle moving from project to project helping clients, perhaps enjoying a few too many tacos in between!

Shaheen's professional experience includes a solid background in international real estate, and she continues to expand and consolidate her knowledge to this day. She has earned multiple recent accreditations including the Global Property Specialist certification from Keller Williams and the Certified International Property Specialist title, making her an expert resource in the field of international real estate
David Favreau
Shaheen loves Mexico, its people, and its culture. Having spent much of the last ten years travelling to the country and exploring all it has to offer, she can often be found at the beach working on her laptop. When she’s not on her computer she’s on her bicycle moving from project to project helping clients, perhaps enjoying a few too many tacos in between!

Shaheen's professional experience includes a solid background in international real estate, and she continues to expand and consolidate her knowledge to this day. She has earned multiple recent accreditations including the Global Property Specialist certification from Keller Williams and the Certified International Property Specialist title, making her an expert resource in the field of international real estate
For more information or to purchase a property, contact Zisla.

We will be able to answer your questions and needs starting with a free consultation.